The Indpendent is taking votes on the Best of the Triangle for 2006. They must have been afraid that OrangePolitics would sweep Best Blog for a third year in a row because they have removed the category! Can we declare ourselves Best Blog for Life? ;-)
(And this after snubbing me last year by never sending my award packet. Hmph.)
Anyway, what other local blogs do y'all read (or write)? I've been collecting them under the local blogs link in the sidebar.
This week I launched a new website called Chapel Hill Wireless. The sites first goal is to help people find public wireless hotspots. It uses a Google Map to plot markers where you can find wireless. I hacked together a bit of javascript using the Google Maps API to make it work. This site will cover the towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, North Carolina.
I've included wireless provided by municipalities and businesses. As long as the wireless is available to everyone for free or a nominal fee - like a cup of coffee or a sandwich. (I didn't include the wireless on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill because its not open to the general public.)
If you've used one of the hotspots on the map WRITE A REVIEW. Here's how:
1) Register on the Chapel Hill Wireless website
2) Login
3) Write a review in a blog post
4) Send me an email. Tell me you've written a post.
The primary is coming up on Tuesday, May 2nd. You can still vote early tomorrow, and the polls will be open from 6:30 AM-7:30 PM on election day.
There are races for County Commissioner, Congress, Superior Court, and State Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. See the OP Election Guide for a full list, with links to local candidates and other information.
Who are you endorsing and why? Please write only about who you are endorsing- any negative comments will be deleted.
Happy voting!
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OrangePolitics is a not-for-profit website for discussing progressive perspectives on politics, planning, and public policy in Orange County, NC. Opinions are those of their authors. Learn more.
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