Frustration 2020, Part Six: Recapping the Report Out

Tonight’s theme group meeting took a different form from those past (see my post on the first and second theme group report outs). After the usual introductions and settling down, Rosemary Waldorf, one of the two co-chairs of the 2020 process updated the participants on the timeline and outlined some results of discussions from the Town Council Retreat that took place over the weekend.

Carrboro BOA announces appointment of David Andrews as next town manager

Renee Price announces for BoCC District 2

Another Transit Tuesday for the County Commissioners

A few years ago, did you imagine you would find yourself wondering whether the Orange County Board of Commissioners supported basic progressive causes like enhanced public transit and smart land use planning?

The CVS/Norlina building at Greensboro & Weaver Streets in Carrboro has been occupied



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