The people

There are various levels of users on OrangePolitics.

admin Responsible for all administration of the site including function and design.
editor Able to post all types of content without moderation, perform minor site administration, and promote entries to the front page.
trusted user
Able to post comments, blog entries, and polls without moderation.
authenticated user
Registered with a validated e-mail address. Able to post comments, events, and blog entries without moderation.
anonymous Able to post comments, but each one must be manually approved by an editor.


How does one go from authenticated to higher roles? Hang around and make yourself useful. In the future we may add a point system that could allow automatic promotion, but right now this will remain controlled by humans.



Community Guidelines

By using this site, you agree to our community guidelines. Inappropriate or disruptive behavior will result in moderation or eviction.


Content license

By contributing to OrangePolitics, you agree to license your contributions under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

Creative Commons License

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