Dear Govenor McCrory:
Please pubically come out against Bill 589. And to veto the Bill. The bill takes away constitutional rights of people with disabilities, like me.
I have CP, and I'm in an electric wheelchair, and the only way I can vote is to vote early, and once in awhile I have to vote provisionally. I have voted provisionally twice, because it is too hard to get to my precinct. The bill takes away these options. And, with the bill, my staff can't come with me anymore and get paid. And it makes it harder for people who aren't their own guardians to vote. This is against the ADA reasonable accomodations.
You all should think twice about this. BEFORE passing it.
Ellen Perry
Sign a petition against Bill 589
Here's the letter that I just got from Bob Hall of Democracy NC, about the petition against the Bill that he has started. -Ellen