Here are some photos I took on my visit today to Maple View
Dairy in rural Orange County. They were hosting a celebration to thank UNC Chancellor
Holden Thorp for halting the process for the airport. Mr. Thorp was there having an ice cream as
well as many of the key parties that worked so hard to oppose the airport.
I was told later by someone that Chancellor Thorp is a regular visitor to Maple View already, but I did not know if that was shared in confidence so I will not divulge the source. :-)
hey, email me one for the paper.kirk rosseditor, carrboro citizen
Kirk, you are welcome to use any of the photos on flickr The are licensed Creative Commons so you are free to use John Rees
xtra cool.Dairyland rocks.
I saw him there
I didn't get to Mapleview until after 4 but he was still hanging out with his family and a small group of fans. I don't think his patronage is any kind of secret, I mean: his kids designed the sundae.I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say hi to him, but I hate fighting crowds. ;-)(Psst, Kirk: the pics are on Flickr, all you need is his permission to print.)
It was Paul Jones told me he was a regular there.
I ran into Paul and Sally at Weaver St. after the event, and he was the one who told me that Thorpe was a regular at MV
I love that the band was
I love that the band was apparently local youth (I recognize a couple from the youth sports the OCRPD runs) anyone know if they are actually a formed "band" or just thrown together for the event?
AboveGravity is a local band composed of five kids from around Southwest Orange County. Four of them live directly adjacent to the highest-ranked airport sites.
They were very happy to be included in the celebration on Sunday.
As to longevity, they have been playing together in roughly the same lineup for five years. They play mostly original music, have a short CD out, and have played at Hog Days in Hillsborough, Carrboro Music Festival,WeaverStreet, etc.
The band "Above Gravity"
also played at the last Carrboro Music Festival.