
Community Assembly on Education

An event for parents and high school youth to share stories about our schools with a professional organizer.  This will inform our education agenda for Orange County Justice United going forward.
  • Bring your concerns about Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public Schools
  • Bring your ideas for change
  • Bring your commitment to organize for change
  • Bring your friends!

 For more information and transportation needs, please call Tish Galu • 919.960.4437 •


Sunday, November 8, 2009 - 10:30am to 12:00pm



PTA Council School Board Forum - An Endorsement for Gucciardi

I attended the well-run, PTA Council School Board Forum last night.  Many thanks to all of the candidates putting time, effort, and emotional energy into putting forth their vision on how to continue to improve our school system.  As advertised by my neighbors Ms. Brownstein knows policy, has a history of school involvement, and communcates her commitment to schools and children clearly and passionately.  My expectation is that she will receive the most votes, including mine, and will be an excellent school board member.

PACT on Community Radio

PACT! is about community

 Last Friday morning, Suepinda and I joined Lori Hoyt on WCOM 103.5FM, Carrboro's low powered community radio, on her weekly radio program WILPF Wake Up Call.  We were discussing the beginnings of PACT! as an organization and the need for parent and child advocacy in the CHCCS district.

 When we first arrived, scurrying through the doorway just minutes before going on air, Suepinda dropped the bomb that I was to be the sole speaker.  Boy! was I surprised.

 I asked how long was the segment.  Lori told me we were on for the full 30 mins.  I thought, "OMG, what can I talk about for 30 minutes? We tested mic's, started a bit of conversation and then went on the air.

 Well, in the real world, 30 minutes is NOTHING.  Part of the reason were were scurring in the doorway at 7:20am was the fact that we had just got the four little children out the door for school to make the bus.  To say that our mornings are busy and 30 minutes is nothing is an understatement.

Upcoming evaluation of the school superintendent

This week's CHCCS board meeting (tomorrow, Oct 1) is the last meeting prior to the Superintendent's Evaluation meeting scheduled two weeks later.


What discussion points would you suggest the school board members keep in mind when evaluating the superintendent's performance?


Here is the Superintendent's Blog reporting on one year gains in reading and math. Remarkable numbers. Must ask how this was achieved and how the process can be repeated to 100%


Sample discussion topics to be used in his evaluation

1. Has the appropriation of local and state funds been fair and equal, for example, why is there not at least a half time SRO at Phoenix Academy even though the state provides funding for this position?


Kudos to local literacy activists

At the Democratic party meeting last week, Susan Romaine and Gloria Romerez talked about their book collecting/distributing project in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Orange County Literacy Council. Susan and Gloria have done such an amazing job that I want to let you know of their work.

They have collected over 7,000 books for needy local children, with more donations coming in. Most of the books have already been distributed to places that will impact low-income children and adults.

Susan and Gloria are adding books to Table These children will now receive their own new book in addition to food donations!

Thanks are due to Borders Books for their generous participation. It is my strong belief that partnership between business and community can strengthen literacy, and this program is the proof. They still have books - reply to me for Susan's contact email if you know of a place they would be useful.



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