North Carolina

Bob Hall at Hargraves Thursday

I just got the following announcement by e-mail.

Also the LWV candidate forum is tonight in Hillsborough!

You're Invited.....

Bob Hall of Democracy North Carolina is the guest speaker at a public meeting hosted by the League of Women Voters Orange-Durham-Chatham chapter on

Thursday, April 20 at 10 am
at the Hargraves Center
216 N. Robeson St. (which runs off Rosemary St., next to Dip's Restaurant)
Chapel Hill

He'll be talking on the theme: "Fulfilling the Promise of Democracy in North Carolina." He will discuss the current state of state-level campaign finance reform, lobbying reform, voting-rights issues, and pending legislation at the N.C. General Assembly.

Join us at the Hargraves Center at 10 am for this informative discussion.

Refreshments will be served.

I'm not sure what's up with "public" meetings at 10 am on a week day, though. :-(

Common Sense in Chapel Hill

Please join hosts Mark Chilton, Mayor of Carrboro; Jefferson Holt; Lex and Ann Alexander; and Katie Early on Wednesday, February 15th from 7:00 to 9:00PM at 3 Cups (431 West Franklin Street) in Chapel Hill for an evening of food, drink and conversation to benefit the Common Sense Foundation.

Those in attendance will be the first to receive copies of Common Sense's newest publication on a woman's right to emergency contraception. Admission is free; donations are encouraged. To RSVP, contact me by e-mail at or by phone at 919-821-9270.

Some great blogs around here

In addition to all the interesting local blogs listed on the OP local blogroll, I'd like to call your attention to some of the really outstanding political blogs around central North Carolina:

Facing South - The Institute for Southern Studies has been a strong voice for the progressive south for decades. Now their blog tackles current events across the region in a substantial way. Their post-Katrina reporting has been invaluable.

N.C. Conservation Network - This group connects environmental groups across the state and the blog adds a more personal tone to the issues.

BlueNC - Like a dailyKOS for North Carolina. Covers statewide and legislative issues, each registered user can write their own blog on the site.

A New UNC Campus - In Kannapolis!

Chapel Hill Herald, Saturday October 08, 2005

Last month's announcement of a new research campus in Kannapolis places UNC's Carolina North project in a new light. It also vindicates ideas promoted by Chapel Hillians over the past decade.

As described in Carolina Newswire on September 12, billionaire David H. Murdock, owner of Dole Food Company, and UNC System President Molly Broad unveiled plans for the North Carolina Research Campus, a massive scientific and economic revitalization project that encompasses the former Cannon Mills plant and entire downtown area of Kannapolis. They were joined by Mike Easley, Elizabeth Dole, Richard Burr, Robin Hayes, Marc Basnight, James Black, and a host of other officials.

Broad observed, "We cannot overstate the significance of the University's embarking - in partnership with Dole and David Murdock - on a project of this magnitude, scale, and potential. This initiative advances our three-part mission of teaching, research, and public service - and in the process gives new meaning to the terms 'collaborative' and 'multi-disciplinary.'

Son of Skipper

Word on the street is that Erskine Bowles will be the next president of the UNC System, succeeding Molly Broad.

One OP reader wrote in about this selection saying "He is not perfect BUT - He loves this school and state and is not taking the job as just another rung on a corporate ladder. Someone who thinks about more than money and donors will be great."

He certainly has the ability to out-corporate UNC's chancellor (and that's saying something), but he could also be a powerful advocate for the state's education system. What do you think?



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