If you don't know me that well, you might be surprised to learn that I am one of the happiest people in town to witness the long-awaited opening of the free-standing Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History at UNC. It's future existence was the primary purpose of my day-to-day existence during my last two years of college. As a member of the Student Coalition for a Free-Standing Sonja Haynes Stone Black Cultural Center, I organized marches, spoke at rallies, met with administrators, slept in South Building, and wrote flyers, press releases, and site analysis reports. I dedicated myself to helping the University community understand the compelling need for this institution.
In addition to the many things the Herald-Sun does every year to get information to voters, they have now implemented candidate blogs. This is a great idea and it's a good compliment to the forums, editorials, and online "votebook" the Herald already provides (see below).
Greensboro journalist/blogger Ed Cone has some great insight and commentary about the candidate blogs. He has been evangelizing for political blogging for a while, so he should know! I think this is an innovative step for the Herald and I'm glad to see them do this. I hope candidates will take advantage of this unique opportunity to communicate with their potential supporters and constituents.
new user registration form, but then I remembered how many times the Herald's telemarketers called me, for years, trying to get me to subscribe. (After I had unsubscribed due to the H-S's conservative politics.) I'm going to think twice before I give them my phone number again.
I can't find any information online about WCHL's "2004 Chapel Hill-Carrboro Orange County Forum: A Sustainable Community." This is supposed to be some kind of Great Community Discussion, too bad they forgot to tell the community. Why isn't there any information about it in the local papers or even on WCHLs website? That's a real failure to be relevant, right there.
Here's the schedule:
8 am Growth - Town-Gown 2004, the Last Year, The Next Year and After
10 am Downtown - What to do about "The Gap" Gap
11am IFC Homeless Shelter Location - Homeless in Our Town?
12 noon Future of Downtown Carrboro
1 pm Violence and Crime - Has Crime Increased in Our Village?
2 pm Civil Rights - Is There Discrimination
3 pm Seniors - They Outnumber Our Kids!
4 pm Public Schools - Are Our Schools Good for Our Kids
5 pm What is a Sustainable Community (How Do We Build One?)
Update: the Today's Schedule page at WCHL was just updated while I was typing this. :(
Last Monday, the Chapel Hill Herald ran yet another gushing story about Branch's Bookstore in Chapel Hill, continuing their pointed avoidance of the fact of the Internationalist's very existence! In the caption for the adorable photo of Kate Branch it said "...Branch's Chapel Hill Bookshop, which is Chapel Hill's only independent bookstore."
The first time the Herald made this mistake (about a year ago, when Branch's opened), I thought they were just stupid, but now it appears they are willfully promoting Branch's business while ignoring one of Chapel Hill's most longstanding progressive institutions! Here's what I wrote to the editor five days ago. They still haven't published it, so I'm resorting to posting here.
According to our favorite local Republican wingnut blogger, Chapel Hill Tire owner Marc Pons is pulling his sponsorship of WCHL due to their broadcast of Air America programming.
I was a customer for many years, and all that time they never told me I was morally unacceptable! Good thing there are tons of garages in walking distance of my house; I will not be patronizing Chapel Hill Tire any more.
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