Growth & Development

Commuting and Chapel Hill

Town seeking your input about the "Central West Focus Area." This this quick survey now.

The Smart Math of Mixed-Use Development with Joe Minicozzi

Found on Facebook:

With tighter budgets & environmental costs, US cities have accepted that the status quo of development will no longer work. When trying to convey that info using math, cities get lost in the numbers.

Using simple math and creative visual aids, Joe Minicozzi specializes in explaining the true costs and benefits of development choices. He will share how these tools can help cities overcome misconceptions about efficient urban development and make wise investments. 

Laern more:

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Thursday, March 21, 2013 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm


Koury Auditorium, UNC Campus

I nearly missed this: County Attorney trying to get rid of SAPFO, which ties residential growth to our schools' capacity.

Affordable Housing: Report of the Carrboro Planning Board and upcoming discussions

The Town of Carrboro Planning Board held a series of three Affordable Housing Dialogues in October 2012 to educate and engage the public in planning for affordable housing. A report of their findings is now available. The chair of the Carrboro Planning Board will be presenting on this report and the Carrboro Board of Alderfolks will be discussing it at their meeting tonight (Tuesday, February 19th).

The recommendations of the report are:

1. Make the Affordable Housing Task Force a standing committee of the Board of Aldermen, and expand it to include other public and private stakeholders, such as advisory boards, affordable housing developers, and advocates.

2. In that comprehensive policy, consider a staggered approach to income targeting and goals, such that people along the income continuum of very low (less than 50% of median income), to low (50% - 80%) to moderate income (80% - 115%) can benefit in some way from Carrboro’s policy efforts and investments.



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