
Carolina North Public Information Session

It seems that hardly a week goes by without another Carolina North meeting, and yet I am increasingly confused about what is going on. I guess I need to actually GO to one of these meetings, especially given the front-loaded nature of the latest arrangement between the Town and the University.

Via e-mail from the Town of Chapel Hill...

Please share this information


Public Information Session January 29
Chapel Hill Development Proposal

7 p.m. Thursday, January 29 * Chapel Hill Town Hall * 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

A Public Input/Information Session on Carolina North will be held in the Chapel Hill Town Council Chambers at 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.  At the session, a Town representative will explain the review process for the University proposal to develop an academic, mixed-use campus.  Upon request, with 2 days notice, the Communications and Public Affairs Department (968-2743) will provide an interpreter for the hearing impaired or any other needed type of auxiliary aid.

Carolina North is expected to be contained within about 250 acres of the Horace Williams Tract’s 1,000 acres and be built in phases over the next 50 years, as proposed. The property lies just to the north of Estes Drive adjacent to Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.

The January 29 session will focus on providing information and soliciting comment about the regulatory tool that has been endorsed by the Town Council and University representatives as the preferred tool for guiding development at Carolina North: establishment of a Development Agreement with a base zoning district. The session is intended to provide information about issues being addressed by policy-makers and by Town/University staffs.

For more information, contact the Town of Chapel Hill Planning Department at (919) 968-2728 or  Additional material is posted online at



Thursday, January 29, 2009 - 2:00pm


Chapel Hill Town Hall

Mayors request infrastructure project money

The N.C. Metropolitan Mayors Coalition has submitted its request for money from the federal and state governments for infrastructure projects. I’ve mapped the requests made for the town of Chapel Hill and Carrboro. No requests were made by Hillsborough.

See the raw Chapel Hill data here. See the full spreadsheet of requests here.

The airport, AHEC, Bacon and "sick children"

Twin stories in this morning's CH News from Mark Schultz on the front page: "UNC Pledges Cooperation on Airport" and inside:  "UNC Gave State Airport Bill Language."   Kudos (or the candy of choice) to Schultz for digging away at the behind-closed-doors stuff - e.g., just who from the Univ. was talking to the legislature, seeking the eminent domain provision, etc.; and kudos for going after some actual numbers.  Would expect, however, that assurances of cooperation will be received by citizens with the usual and appropriate skepticism - keep those cards and letters coming...

Three irksome aspects of the stories, at least for me: 

A. The attrition theme - the persistent suggestion that AHEC participants will opt out if they don't like airport location.

Live tweeting waste transfer hearing at the Commish

Among other things on the County Commissioners agenda tonight the siting of the proposed waste transfer station. John Rees, an avid cyclist who lives in Dogwood Acres, is there and posting updates via Twitter. Here are his updated posts in reverse chronological order (newest to oldest):

2009 Estimated Property Valuations

Estimated Orange County property valuations for 2009 have now been published and may be accessed here:

My estimated valuation increased by about 33% over my current valuation and by about 62% over the 2004 valuation, yet it still remains slightly less than what I actually paid for my house three years ago.

Update: The county suggests using for faster GIS searching.



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