
Herrera's New Family

Congratulations to Carrboro Alderman John Herrera on his recent remarriage.  (A beautiful wedding ceremony it was, too!) John's new blended family has six (!) children and I received the news this afternoon that his new family is making a new home in Holly Springs, which necessitates his resignation from the Board of Aldermen.

I want to say that although I will miss having John on the board (and in Carrboro), I know he is doing the best thing for his family and I wish him all the best.  I am also confident that John will remain a leader in North Carolina and I look forward to hearing what he is up to next.  Congratulations and thanks for your service, John.

Here's the email he sent the BOA:

Bill Strom resigning!

As reported by Kirk Ross of the Carrboro Citizen on OP and on the CC site, Chapel Hill Town Councilmember Bill Strom has announced that he will be resigning as of August 1, and will be leaving the area.

The interesting political implication is that I think the Council will now be expected to appoint a replacement since this resignation did not happen within the 40-day window before an election candidate filing period which would have led to an automatic appointment of the 5th vote-getter.

Citizens for Responsible Government

Does anyone know anything about this new group reported in Orange Chat, Citizens for Responsible Government.  They appear to be a political action committee of some sort that intends on influencing the upcoming election. 

 The website says that their mission is to, "support candidates and policies that promote the responsiveness, efficiency and fiscal health of our local governments." 

Chapel Hill's New Website Goes Live

New [screenshot added by OP editor]

The Town of Chapel Hill's new website appears to have gone live today.  It sure is a snazzy new look, but I haven't found much yet in the way of new features.  The menu navigation seems to be more intuitive than the old website, and it seems to be much easier to use from a casual visitor's perspective.  But I'm still not having an easy time finding archived material without a help from my dear friend Google.  Have you had a chance to check it out?  What do you think?

Town Hall Democrats Host Senator Kinnaird Tuesday June 30

On Tuesday June 30 at 8PM the Town Hall precinct of the Orange County Democratic Party, along with the Lion's Club, OWASA, Carrboro, and North Carrboro precincts, will host state Senator Ellie Kinnaird in the boardroom of the Carrboro Town Hall.  Senator Kinnaird served as mayor of Carrboro from 1987 through 1996 and has represented us in the state Senate since 1996, all the while speaking with a strong progressive voice on issues ranging from the death penalty to electoral reform to environmental protection.  Senator Kinnaird will speak about how the legislature is navigating its way through the current economic crisis and field your questions. 
We hope to see you on Tuesday the 30th for this great opportunity to speak with your representative in an intimate setting.
Until then,
Christopher Brook
Town Hall Precinct
Orange County Democratic Party


Tuesday, June 30, 2009 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm


Carrboro Town Hall Board Room



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