
Occupy Chapel Hill/Carrboro Protest of Yates Arrests

New press release from Occupy Chapel Hill/Carrboro:

(Chapel Hill, North Carolina) (November 21, 2011) --  On Monday, November 21st, Occupy Chapel Hill/Carrboro will not be holding its regular 6pm General Assembly at Peace and Justice Plaza on Franklin Street.  Instead, we are coming together for a peaceful protest and march in opposition to the repression of, and excessive show of force against, the occupation of 419 W Franklin St.  

The protest will commence at 6pm, at Chapel Hill Police Headquarters, and after peacefully demonstrating there, we will walk to Town Hall to participate in the 7pm Town Council Meeting.



Monday, November 21, 2011 - 6:00pm


CH Police Headquarters & CH Town Hall

Guns over Franklin

I just sent the following to the Mayor and Town Council of Chapel Hill. It somewhat re-hashes my previous comments here on OP, so I'm not going to front-page it, but wanted it to be on the record.

I was extremely disappointed to see the Town handle the anarchist break-in at the Yates Building so poorly after working so well with the activists at Occupy Chapel Hill/Carrboro for the past month. What happened last weekend played into every simplistic anarcho-fantasy about jack-booted thugs violently protecting the wealthy. That's not the Chapel Hill we know, but there is a vocal group of residents that now may never believe otherwise.

I'm undecided about Jim Neal's specific proposal for an independent commission to study the events of last weekend. Do we really have to empanel a committee to tell us what almost everyone knows (at least in retrospect), which is that the police action was unnecessarily forceful and overly broad? However, I very much want and need some clearer answers from the Town of Chapel Hill.

Tim Tyson really nailed it in his commentary on the Yates arrests. "Barney Fife" vs. "Self-romanticizing hotheads"

First Chapel Hill 2020 Report Out Session: What to Expect

Tomorrow morning will mark the first report out session for the six theme groups in Chapel Hill 2020, the process to create the town's new Comprehensove Plan. These report out sessions are designed so that all the theme groups can get together to find areas of agreement and discuss agrees of disagreement. The theme groups have a good deal of overlap, so these large group meetings are necessary to ensure that the plan is cohesive while still being comprehensive.

First, the leadership team will be providing a summary of the process. They’ll give a little more explanation as to where we are and where we’re going in the near future, and they’ll highlight some of the resources available on the web and outreach efforts that are being conducted by the town.

Chapel Hill: Time for Appointment of an Independent Public Safety Review Commission

Many questions remain unanswered in regard to the Chapel Hill Police Department's deployment Sunday of a heavily-armed Special Emergency Response Team to clear a private building in Chapel Hill that had been occupied by a group of protesters. Seven people were arrested and charged with misdemeanor breaking and entering.

I submitted a petition Monday afternoon to to the Chapel Hill Town Council calling for the appointment of an independent commission to review the events leading up to yesterday's deployment of the SERT unit. Residents of Chapel Hill are divided, one camp outraged by what they deem to be an unmeasured response by a SWAT team and the other yielding to the professional judgment of the CHPD. Neither side has the facts to which the public is entitled in order understand the events that led to yesterday's display of lethal force by the Chapel Hill Police Department.



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