
On Wednesday...

Guest Post by Steve Sherman

Thrilled that Kerry won, and that massive mobilizations of people triumphed over a hideous campaign and desperate voter suppression efforts?

Bummed that Bush won, and ready to tell him we aren't going away?

Ready to make sure this time that we don't stand silently by while the Supreme Court overrules the American electorate?

Come out to the Franklin Street Post Office on Wednesday, November 3rd at 5pm, and join us as we celebrate or mourn and pressure Kerry or Bush (or Nader or Badnarik) to listen to the voices of the global multitude.

Additionally, if it becomes evident that this election has been stolen or tampered with, we will be participating in a nationwide call for direct actions throughout the day, with the Wednesday rally an opportunity for mass direct action.

Bring any and all noisemakers (drums, pots, pans, etc): we will not be silent.

I've heard a rumor that a statue of our current Commander-in-Thief may be toppled, but I can't say for certain.

Are you partisan?

You'd think that with all the issues at stake in federal, state, and local issues, there would be no problem coming up with headlines. But today, the Chapel Hill News leads with Town politicians not shy about party loyalty.

The idea is that, since municipal offices are non-partisan, those who hold them should not wear political buttons reflecting their allegiances. I find this notion to be fairly ridiculous. After all, the oath of office does not require Town Council-members to foreswear their political allegiances. Nor should it.

Elected officials are indisputably highly engaged political actors. To suggest that they should hide their allegiances during strongly contested campaigns is unreasonable. For them to do so would hardly be possible.

Sunrise... Sunset...

Live from Chapel Hill Town Hall... I came here tonight hoping to make my predictable comments about OI-4 (briefly: "it stinks") and then run over to the Cat's Cradle to see some creative, noncommercial films at Flicker.

I didn't realize I would have to wait through the "Sunrise Coalition." (Remember Doug Schworer? He's baaack.) White people are out in force to oppose the construction of non-luxury homes (for families making 50-80% of area median income) kind of near their well-manicured cul-de-sacs. Actually, about three backyards are adjacent, but it's probably at least a mile by car.

They won't fail to remind us that they're not opposed to affordable housing, just that evil "density." Oh and they're all environmentalists now too. Wonder how many of their SUVs are in the parking lot right now?

Hillsborough Planning Board

Arglebargle or fuferau?

There's something more to the story of Kelly Hopper being kicked off the Hillsborough Planning Board than meets the eye. Admittedly she skipped a lot of meetings, but it sounds like there is more at work in this decision than that.

Anyone want to let us in on the big secret?

Service Learning for Adults

Guest Post by Terri Buckner

Our local high schools and the university encourage students to participate in service learning, where students receive credit for participating in civic activities. Encouraging young people to embrace volunteer activities is both good for our community and good for the individual kid.

Now is the time for the adults of this community to undertake their own volunteerism. Carrboro needs YOU! According to the Chapel Hill Herald, "the town is facing a flood of openings on its advisory boards, yet few people have applied for the positions since August, according to the town clerk. "

Working on a citizen advisory committee is both fun and rewarding, sometimes even educational. And Carrboro makes their citizen volunteers feel very appreciated. Come on out all you latent activists!

Terri Buckner, an instructional systems designer, lives and works in Orange County.



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