
Round two!

Here's a new thread for contintuing discussion of the Carrboro Board of Aldermen's attempt to make themselves whole. The meeting begins at 7pm tonight at Carrboro Town Hall, and I understand it will also be on cable.

Last night's deliberation
Candidate interviews
Candidate discussion
Actual applications (PDF)

Here's Carrboro's chance to show they know how to compromise...

And today's appointees are: Alito and…

Who will the Carrboro Board of Aldermen appoint to the vacated alderman seat tonight? Will it be a good day for ‘conservatives'? Or will Alito have to share his big moment with Dan or James or Catherine or Lydia or... ?

There's been precious little speculation on OP about who we can expect to be appointed. Frankly, I'm stumped. What's the best thinking out there? What voting process do people want the BoA to use tonight?

Act now to protect democracy

Guest Post by Jacquie Gist

Help Save Our Democracy!

Please call Congress Member David Price's office NOW this weekend and encourage him to support John Conyers House Resolution 635 calling for the creation of a select committee to investigate the administration. The Congressman needs to know that many in his district consider this the most important thing he can do this term and we will remember his vote come election day.

Contact David Price:
Chapel Hill office: 919-967-7924
DC office: 202-225-1784

Credit where it's due

Chapel Hill Town Council Member Bill Thorpe is proposing an internship program as a way to get more students engaged in local government. Personally I have supported every proposal I've ever heard to get students involved locally, including reserving seats on town advisory boards to be filled by current students.

Thorpe takes a different approach, offering academic credit and plugging them in on the staff side instead of the leadership side. Still, it could help, or maybe even lead to other opportunities.

Thorpe hopes students will be able to earn college credit and be compensated for their experience.

"What I'm doing is asking the town to certify their internship program, hooking up with the University for the students to receive credit."

Currently, the town hires interns throughout the year and provides monetary compensation but not academic credit.

Thorpe envisions that interns would be able to work in any town department.

Live blogging the Carrboro interviews

The Carrboro Board of Aldermen are interviewing candidates to fill their vacant seat and join them. The fun starts at 6:30. You can watch it in person at Town Hall, on public access cable, or listen on WCOM. You can download the twelve applications at the town web site.

Please post your reactions here during and after the interviews.



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