
Chapel Hill public hearing on YouTube

On Will Raymond's blog post Chapel Hill Downtown Development Initiative: The Debate, there are links to TWENTY ONE separate videos of twenty one different people speaking at a November 20th public hearing on downtown development. To make it real easy to choose which one to watch there are screen shots from the video of the people who spoke with their names captioned at the bottom. (I've copied them below.)

Chapel Hill speaks out on the Downtown Development Initiative.

The Chapel Town Council has a big meeting tonight. I meant to blog about it in advance, but since I didn't I will start this thread and hope to post live comments as it goes along.

Here's the agenda. I'll stick with this at least through the Public Forum on the Downtown Development Initiative.

Orange County government gets elbow room

Local governments are practically salivating at the prospect of several new buildings that Orange County is planning to build in Hillsborough.

"What makes this different is we have 93,000 square feet of space in our inventory that we literally didn't have this time last week," Pam Jones, the county's purchasing director, told the board.

On Nov. 2, the commissioners approved an agreement of intent to build a central library, office building and parking deck off West Margaret Lane, as well as leasing the top two floors of the nearby Gateway Center. After one year and one day, the county has the option to buy those floors.
- County eyes department moves

This move will cause a lot of shuffling of departments, but also promises to serve the community by creating a new meeting room that will hopefully have more modern technology (for recording and broadcasting meetings). This and other new resourcs will be an asset to the whole community.

Welcome, Ms. Manager

Congrats to Orange County for doing what no other government in the county has accomplished: hiring a woman as the top executive.

Here are stories in the Chapel Hill Herald and Daily Tar Heel, and here's the full press release from the county:

The Orange County Board of Commissioners has agreed to hire Laura Blackmon as the next Orange County Manager. Ms. Blackmon comes to Orange County from Osceola County, Florida, where she has served as assistant, deputy, or acting county manager since 2001.

Ms. Blackmon is an Alabama native and has a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Political Science/Public Administration from the University of Florida at Gainesville. She began her professional career as a high school Social Studies teacher before entering government administration.

She is married to Jerry Walters and she is 53 years old.

Shearon Harris blows up on Tuesday

There have been many interesting topics I haven't had time to blog about lately. One of them was the Chapel Hill Town Council signing on to the growing regional movement to ensure that Shearon Harris (the nuclear plant just a few miles from Orange County) is operated in safe manner that does not threaten the health of its neighbors and the state of North Carolina.

The Carrboro Board of Aldermen and the Orange County Board of Commissioners will be considering the same issue Tuesday. Here's some info from mega-activist Pete MacDowell:

The Carrboro Bd. of Aldermen: 7:30 at Carrboro Town Hall

County Commissioners: 7:00 in Gordon Battle Courtroom, 106 East Margaret Lane, Hillsborough.

Dear Orange County Members and Friends of NC WARN,



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