
Sierra Club/Chamber of Commerce Carrboro Candidate Forum


Friday, September 23, 2011 - 7:00pm


Carrboro Town Hall Boardroom

Carolina North a Reality?!

After all these years, there is this report that something is actually going to be built soon on the Horace Williams grounds. It would be the first building in the Carolina North project. 

Will it be a good start in terms of the principle that CN should be a transit, biking and pedestrian oriented development? This is what was called for in the Horace Williams Citizens' Committee report.

Transit-oriented development and the like does not mean that there is a mention of bus stops and bike racks. It means that it includes something like this. Will these new plans indicate anything of this nature? I am hopeful but not optimistic.

James Coley

Chapel Hill 2020: Our Town, Our Vision

The Chapel Hill community and the Town Council have asked for a new Comprehensive Plan to reexamine the vision for Chapel Hill and to plan together for our community's future. the new planning and visioning document will create a framework for the community to guide the Town Council in managing Chapel Hill's future over the next 20 years.

Chapel Hill 2020 is a plan that involves Chapel Hill, every community, every race, every age, every culture, every corner.
What is in Chapel Hill 2020 will directly affect you -- your values, your ambitions, your family, your future. You have made Chapel Hill your town, and we want to hear from you.


First Meeting

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011
East Chapel Hill High School
500 Weaver Diary Road, Chapel Hill NC 27514

5:00 – 6:00 pm Project Open House
6:00 – 8:00 pm Stakeholder Meeting



Tuesday, September 27, 2011 - 5:00pm to 8:00pm


East Chapel Hill High School

Fracking in North Carolina

My Common Science blog this week in Chapelboro is about fracking  (To Frack or Not to Frack?), a relatively new technology to extract natural gas from deep underground shale formations.  There have been proposals to allow for this tecnology to be used in North Carolina including, potentially, in neighboring Chatham County.  Last month 400 people showed up for a cautionaly meeting about fracking in Fearington Village.

 After reviewing the benefits and risks, my view is that we will eventually need to extract this gas but should wait until some improvements in the technology are made to safeguard the evironment.  Check it out and let me know what you think.

Stormwater problem? What stormwater problem?



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