
News and opinions related to local elections.

WCHL Chapel Hill Candidate Forum

WCHL is hosting a forum for the Chapel HiIl mayoral and town council
candidates, Thursday October 15th, from 7-9 pm, at Town Hall.

The first hour will focus on mayoral candidates, the second will feature the council candidates.

The forum will also air live on WCHL 1360 AM and cable channel 18.

Are there hot issues you want debated? Submit your questions to info@1360wchl.com.


Thursday, October 15, 2009 - 3:00pm


Chapel Hill Town Hall Council Chambers

Sierra Club Endorsements

Laurin Easthom has posted the list of Sierra Club endorsees on her blog.

They are:

-Mark Kleinschmidt for Mayor

-Laurin, Ed Harrison, Penny Rich, and Jim Merritt for Town Council.

Children need to become critical thinkers and life-long learners

A parent asked me about a comment I made at a forum regarding how our children will change careers often and need to be able to learn, relearn, unlearn and relearn.  Jobs of the future will demand our children be life-long learners and critical thinkers.  As a follow up to that question, I want to share with you this video called "what does this all mean". 


Candidate Forum: Social Issues Facing Chapel Hill

Gene Nichol moderates this social justice focused candidate forum on Wednesday, Oct 21 from 7-9 p.m. Hear candidate ideas and positions on issues like affordable housing, democracy reform and civil rights, welcoming Chapel Hill's immigrant and refugee communities, and environmental justice. 

Candidate forum sponsors include: NC Common Cause, Democracy North Carolina, League of Women Voters, NAACP (UNC Chapter), Justice and Peace Commission of The Church of Reconciliation. Individual sponsors include: Rev. Stephen Elkins-Williams (Chapel of the Cross), Rev. Bob Dunham (University Presbyterian Church), Richard andJill Edens (United Church of Chapel Hill), and Rev. Peter JB Carman (Binkley Baptist Church).

Due to other church business that evening, THERE IS NO PARKING AT UUMC. Please plan to use street or other available parking.

Contact Josh Glasser, JGlasser@CommonCause.org or 919-260-1364 for more information


Wednesday, October 21, 2009 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm


University United Methodist Church, 150 E Franklin St.

WCHL Wants To Hear From You!

News Talk 1360 WCHL will broadcast a public candidate forum featuring Chapel Hill’s mayoral and council candidates on Thursday, October 15th, live from the Chapel Hill Town Council Chambers.

This forum is for you, our listeners, and so we would like for you to email us the questions you’d like to have our future elected officials answer.

E-mail your questions to info@1360wchl.com. Please include your name and address or a brief, general description of yourself. If picked, we’ll credit your question by the description you give. OR you can remain anonymous (ex: 40 yo, single mom, university employee, etc)

Mark your calendars for Thursday, October 15th as WCHL’s Chapel Hill Candidate Forum airs live on-air and online at 1360WCHL.com at 7 p.m. 

In the meantime, read about WCHL's story on local blogs that features Ruby & OP. Happy Birthday!


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