Guest posting

Readers are encouraged to submit short, progressive opinion pieces for publication on OrangePolitics. The rules are that it be local, informative, and not express a typically conservative viewpoint. This last criterion is obviously subjective and is decided by the editor.

  1. Click on the Register link near the top of the right side of the page
    (or Site Admin if you already have an account).
  2. Create your Profile by clicking on the Users tab.
    You MUST fill in at least your first and last names for your post to be published.
  3. Click on the Write tab to compose your post.
    Save it as a Draft if you are ready to publish (or as Private if not).
  4. If your post is time-sensitive, you may wish to contact the editor for a prompt review.

Everything published on OrangePolitics is at the editor's discretion and is subject to minor editorial changes.


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By contributing to OrangePolitics, you agree to license your contributions under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

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