MLK Day March in Hillsborough


Monday, January 19, 2009 - 4:00am


Orange County Courthouse on Margaret Lane and will end at Mt. Bright Baptist Church on Union Street, Hillsborough

From the Town of Hillsborough:


Date: Jan. 13, 2008

Contact: Sgt. William Parker, Community Policing Division of the Hillsborough Police Department, 732-2441

Downtown Hillsborough Intersections to Be Closed Briefly Jan. 19 for MLK March

HILLSBOROUGH — Traffic will be blocked for short periods of time in downtown Hillsborough on Monday morning, Jan. 19, to allow for the annual Dr. Martin Luther King Commemorative March.

The march will begin at 9 a.m. at the Orange County Courthouse on Margaret Lane and will end at Mt. Bright Baptist Church on Union Street. It is expected to be complete by 10 a.m. Past marches have lasted about 30 minutes.

The Hillsborough Police Department will close the northbound lane of Churton Street during the parade and will conduct rolling blocks of intersections between Margaret Lane and Union Street. As soon as marchers pass through an intersection, officers will reopen the intersection. Traffic will be able to flow south on Churton Street and on side streets.

The Police Department estimates that each intersection will be closed about five minutes.

By closing downtown intersections on a rolling schedule, the department will be able to use fewer officers during the event and to reopen Hillsborough's main thoroughfare more quickly.

A police officer on a motorcycle will lead the marchers, and an officer in a patrol car will follow behind.

The Police Department encourages motorists visiting downtown Hillsborough to use the parking deck and other legal areas to park. A map of public parking options, including free parking, is available on the town's Web site, Look for the map under "Parking" in the "About Hillsborough" section.



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