Meet Jim Neal, talk about women's issues


Southern Rail, Carr Mill

The campaign of Jim Neal, Democratic and first openly gay candidate for U.S. Senate, is holding a meet & greet on Tuesday, March 18th from 6-8pm. It's going to be an informational session with Jim. He's adamantly pro-choice and wants to be on top of women's issues nationally and in North Carolina, especially seeing how abysmal Elizabeth Dole's performance has been in that arena. While his campaign staff has been breifing him on the issues, he really wants to make a point of reaching out to the choice community here and educating himself. This is not an endorsement event or a fundraiser, but an opportunity to meet the candidate and learn more about his positions on a range of women's issues.

For more information, contact Emily Batchelder at the Neal campaign,   



This might finally be the year when the women among us move beyond women's issues for a change as we size up candidates for office. Neal certainly has my vote against Dole; but I want to see him impress voters of both genders with his understanding of all of the issues in the picture. That's what I'll be looking for on the 18th.

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