Last open thread of 2004

Is anyone left here? I sort of like the ghost town that Chapel Hill becomes at the holidays (and summer, wonderful summer...)

Anyone want to share best-of-2004 stories? Keep it local and keep it positive, I'm going to be strict on this like the endorsement threads.


One of the really great things about the new blog software we're using, is that there is a large community of people creating plug-ins and customizations for anyone to use. This site would not be possible without these tools, and the assistance of their authors. Deepest gratitude to the entire Wordpress community for making these features possible.

Comment Control

So there are at least three ways I can set this up to control who comments. As Dan and others have noticed, in the new system e-mail addresses are never diplayed on the website, although they can be viewed by the authors.

  1. The current arrangement. Requires user to verify the e-mail address every time she comments. Problem: a bit of a pain.
  2. One-time verification. This would require the user to verify the address the first time she comments, then that address is stored as automaically approved for future comments. Problem: can be abused if I want to impersonate somone whose address I know.
  3. User registration. This would force users to actually register on the site before being able to use the comment form. This has the added benefit of allowing folks to create and manage their own profiles, but I have ot figure out how to make those visible. I don't think it would prevent them from registering with a fake address, though. Problem: bigger pain in the ass, and I'm not sure exactly how it will work .

What do y'all think?

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