Ruby Sinreich's blog

Using social media

Congrats to the Town of Hillsborough for using the social photo sharing site Flickr to post photos and engage the public!

The Chapel Hill Preservation Society also has a Flickr account, and has been using it to good effect.

And a few folks (OK, mostly me) have been using the tag orangepolitics to mark photos related to local issues. Feel free to contribute...

A question of trust

Almost weekly someone says to me "why do you still allow that idiot so-and-so to post on OP?" Probably almost as frequently, someone else accuses me of "censorship" or worse for putting any limits on what can be read here on OrangePolitics. For whatever reason, this site has become a community of record and is read regularly by the media, elected officials, community leaders, and countless potential local activists. It may mean different things to different people, but it does matter what is said here.

Chapel Hill remembers

Here are some great photos from the first anniversary of 9/11 - five years ago:

From The Latest Outrage: Sept. 11, 2002 Remembered: Only Bush Wanted War in Iraq

The manager tell us what we said

Today Chapel Hill's Town Manager will be presenting his findings from "listening sessions" he held with community groups earlier this year. It's at Town Hall at 5:30 and if anything interesting happens I will blog about it here.

Town Manager Roger L. Stancil will hold a meeting with religious and business leaders, the NAACP, neighborhood activists, Town board and commission chairs, developers, and affordable housing organizations at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 11, in the Council Chamber of Town Hall, 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

The Town Manager will summarize community input for building a better Chapel Hill that was provided in a series of listening sessions that he held from February to June 2007. The summary will include areas of high performance for Town services, areas identified for improvement, and new ideas for consideration.

This Carrboro Life

Thanks to former OP contributor (now Pittsboro refugee) Duncan Murrell for sharing this wonderful Carrboro-flavored spoof of Ira Glass and "This American Life." It was recorded by two local musicians, Tom Maxwell and John Ensslin. I have enjoyed many of their various musical outputs over the years, now I can enjoy their comical stylings as well.

You can download it from Duncan's site here: (6:36, 6.1 MB MP3)

Could it be this year's It's Carrboro?



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