Ruby Sinreich's blog

Thanksgiving open thread

Are you going away for the holiday? What's your favorite thing to do here at home when everyone else leaves?

How many local ingredients will be in your Thanksgiving dinner?  What are you thankful for?

Local results

It seems quite likely that North Carolina could face a recount, so these numbers may change. (And they are never considered truly "final" until certified by the Board of Elections anyway.) But here's how Orange County voted, according to the NC Board of Elections, so far. I don't think any adjustments will change the outcome of these very decisive local races.


David Price (i) (DEM)
William (B.J.) Lawson (REP)

Bus driver fired after fatal accident

I just got the following notice from the Chapel Hill Town Manager's offce:

We are saddened by the tragic accident of Valerie Hughes, who died on Oct. 28 after being struck by a bus while crossing a street in Chapel Hill. We wish to express our deepest sympathy to her family and to her friends.

The driver of the Chapel Hill Transit bus involved in the accident, James Orr, was placed on administrative leave without pay immediately. The Town of Chapel Hill conducted an internal investigation consistent with Town policy and statutory guidelines.

Effective November 3, 2008, James Orr, Transit Operator II was terminated as an employee of the Town of Chapel Hill.

The Town Council has expressed an ongoing concern with pedestrian safety, and this unfortunate accident highlights our need to continue and improve upon that effort.

Candidates for Town Council

Tonight the ten applicants for the vacant seat on the Chapel Hill Town Council will have the opportunity to make their case to the 8 voters they need to convince: the rest of the Council.

It's on!

Early voting starts today!  Here's a handy list of locations and hours via the Chapel Hill Herald:



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