Ruby Sinreich's blog

Fact-checking Czajkowski (again)

I continue to be amazed by the number of people who tell me they don't see a huge difference between Mark Kleinschmidt and Matt Czajkowski. These folks usually describe themselves as "progressive" (as do I, for the record) but they say they're voting for Matt based on some single issue. Let me tell you, folks, I believe there is a huge difference between these two mayoral candidates, and I think anyone who is concerned with social, racial, or economic justice will find themselves disappointed in a Czajkowski mayoralty.

Too much time on your hands? Read this!

In attempt to restore sanity to the endorsements thread, I'm taking my response to the comments about comments over here.

Cam's comment was posted around 7pm and the first time I saw it was around 11am the next day, at which point I took it down and responded to Fred's comment.  I am just not as obsessive about reading the site as some folks are, and that's OK with me.  I don't plan to do much more responding to him because I just don't have the time and it doesn't seem productive in any way.

I still don't understand why some people who claim to have such problems with this web site spend so much time here. For example, as of this moment Fred has posted 305 comments on OP in the past year, more than any other user of the site.

Endorsement lists

I thought it would be interesting to compare and contrast the endorsement lists of both leading Mayoral candidates.

Pundit of the Year 2009

It's about that time, y'all.  LIke it or not, the election is a few days away. It's time for our annual contest to see who is the biggest political nerd in Orange County. Click here to take the 2009 Pundit of the Year survey.

Zazzle modelSubmissions are open until 7:30 pm on Tuesday. Results will be announced by Thursday night. The grand prize - in addition to the obvious fame and adulation - will be a free OP t-shirt or hat in the size and color of your choosing.

Anyone who predicts the winners correctly will be announced here (unless requested otherwise) and whoever comes closest to predicting the ORDER of the winners will be named the Pundit of the Year.

The most important endorsement

...Yours!  The most influential endorsements of all are the opinions of people you know and trust.  This is our annual special-rules post to share YOUR favorites on this year's ballots. Here's OP's candidate list complete with links to all of their websites.



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