Ruby Sinreich's blog

The county reckons with new-fangled technology

Tonight the Orange County Commissioners had a work session including two items related to technology. In the first, a consultant from the UNC School of GOvernment (how many of those are there?) presented Strategic Information Technology Plan which prioritized investments in tools for citizen engament and delivery of services. They also heard a brief update on the county staff's attempt to make agendas more electronically accessible through clean, searchable PDFs.

Frustrating week

So far this week, my e-mail to the school board was trapped in their spam filter (and not discovered until after they voted on the subject of the e-mail), and then I went to a public hearing at which the county commissioners did not in fact accept public comment. Not a great week for civic engagement.

Who lit a fire under the County Commissioners?

Tonight the County Commissioners abandoned tradition and moved swiftly forward on two issues. Despite opposition from Commissioners Alice Gordon and Barry Jacobs, they approved the unpopular rezoning of the Eno Economic Development District that Mark Marcoplos told us about. And at the urging of Commisioners Valerie Foushee and Pam Hemminger, who will both be leaving the board in December, they unanimously approved a resolution drafted on the spot to endorse and more forward the Rogers Road community center.

Where have these action-oriented Commissioners been for the last ten years? I don't want to hear another commissioner talk about how overdue something is without also mentioning how long they have been on the board of commissioners and why they didn't do something about it 5 years ago.

The Giving Communitree

The informal foot path connecting Estes Park Apartments and Pleaseant Drive in Carrboro is a critical link for hundreds of pedestrians and cyclists like me who don't want to brave the shoulders of Estes Drive. I hadn't been there in a while due to the idiotic closure of the Merrit Crossing, but I walked through yesterday and found that the residents of the co-op housing on Crest Street (which backs up to the path) have been inspired by Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree (a book I still can't read without crying) to create "The Giving Communitree." It's a collection of little spots and works of art with books, art, and other gifts to share with anyone who wants them.

I took some pictures.

Chapel Hill shuts down Rogers Road Community Center

This month the Town of Chapel Hill followed up on their promise to help create a community center for the Rogers Road neighborhood by... shutting down the center that neighbors set up for themselves for code violations! What?

Did anyone at Town Hall think twice before doing this? Did anyone think 'given our huge debt to this community and our stated goal of supporting a community center there, how can we help improve this center and bring it up to code?'

No, as if they were computers instead of humans, they kicked the Rogers-Eubank Neighborhood Association out of their home. What were they thinking?



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