ldhintz's blog

snow and sidewalks

Yesterday morning I drove a bit around town. (I used our old '92 civic that was "totalled" a few years ago just in case it was icier than I thought.) Most of the university and school lots and sidewalks were plowed. Few residentail sidewalks were shoveled. Have you noticed that  it is usually the older residents in town who first shovel their sidewalks?  I noticed the Town staff was digging out the snow at the bus stops. I wish the folks using the snow plows would take an extra moment and not leave a big pile of snow at the curb cut cross walks. Later I walked around our neighborhood and to campus. Manning Drive was ice free but the sidewalk south of campus was unplowed and all the curb cuts were piled high from the snow plows.I wish the folks using the snow plows would take an extra moment and not leave a big pile of snow at the curb cut cross walks. Later afternoon was a great time to clear ice from driveways and sidewalks. We were able to shovel pretty quickly in front of our house.  I wish our town would spend more effort in clearing the main sidewalks in town. That would really be pedestrian friendly. 

snow and sidewalks

Yesterday morning I drove a bit around town. (I used our old '92 civic that was "totalled" a few years ago just in case it was icier than I thought.) Most of the university and school lots and sidewalks were plowed. Few residentail sidewalks were shoveled. Have you noticed that  it is usually the older residents in town who first shovel their sidewalks?  I noticed the Town staff was digging out the snow at the bus stops. I wish the folks using the snow plows would take an extra moment and not leave a big pile of snow at the curb cut cross walks. Later I walked around our neighborhood and to campus. Manning Drive was ice free but the sidewalk south of campus was unplowed and all the curb cuts were piled high from the snow plows.I wish the folks using the snow plows would take an extra moment and not leave a big pile of snow at the curb cut cross walks. Later afternoon was a great time to clear ice from driveways and sidewalks. We were able to shovel pretty quickly in front of our house.  I wish our town would spend more effort in clearing the main sidewalks in town. That would really be pedestrian friendly. 

school delay and cold

Today I drove to East to sub for an ESL class. Foolishly I did not listen to WCHL before I left and discovered that there was a 2 hour delay because of the cold. It looks like no lessons were learned from last year. The air temperature does not change much from 7AM to 9AM and surely the district has learned how to start buses in the cold. Everyone enjoys to sleep in but every school day should be important and not much learning occurs during a shortened day. It is Ok to experience cold air for a bit. Now if there was snow and we could go sledding...

school delay and cold

Today I drove to East to sub for an ESL class. Foolishly I did not listen to WCHL before I left and discovered that there was a 2 hour delay because of the cold. It looks like no lessons were learned from last year. The air temperature does not change much from 7AM to 9AM and surely the district has learned how to start buses in the cold. Everyone enjoys to sleep in but every school day should be important and not much learning occurs during a shortened day. It is Ok to experience cold air for a bit. Now if there was snow and we could go sledding...

Spanish radio election ads

Tonight I was listening to FM101.1 La Ley and heard two senate ads in Spanish back to back. The first was by Ben Carson PAC. The theme was that Hagan sends her kids to private school but opposes vouchers while Tillis gave vouchers to thousands of kids (hispanos). The second ad was by People for the American Way. The theme was that Tillis cut millions from education and health but gave rich Carolinians lots of tax breaks. VOTE! (This is my second attempt to post this, the first one didn't show up.)



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