JeanBolduc's blog
A few days of no electricity restores the ability to think in complete sentences ... dare I suggest - even paragraphs?
My street - a mile-long cut-in near Camp New Hope- suffered a downed power line across the road. Very dangerous. Not only was the line down, the pole from whence it came was jutting out at about 45 degrees, as though it wanted to fall but lacked the nerve. It was falling not from ice, but from mud. The ground it sits on just off the road and up a few feet in elevation was giving way. Nerve wracking to drive under and scary to imagine it coming down. From Friday morning until yesterday (Sunday) afternoon, we watched and waited. Though Piedmont trucks were often nearby, we didn't see them in the neighborhood until yesterday afternoon. Not even to evaluate. No cones - nothing.
The downside of observing under-appreciated achievements with Black and Women’s History month-long observances is they invariably miss something that was (for someone) very important. That makes something that was under-appreciated seem UNappreciated, which is probably not the case.
February is heart month, now drawing to its close. Have a heart. Don’t break a heart. Extend your heart to others, to your work, to your professional legacy. Do you love what you do? Is your heart in it? Can you find away to attach your passion to your work? If so, you’re a lucky person, cause when you love what you’re doing, it scarcely feels like work anymore.
Sometimes it’s the work you love. Often it’s the people you work with. Get involved in a volunteer project. March for a charity. Get positive. Stay positive. Have a heart.
And GIVE your heart. Are you an organ donor? If not, click here and learn more:
The GOP is in full blown meltdown right now. Four responses to the State of the Union? Yah ... these guys would like to relitigate the membership list in the union. The fact is, they're after birth control and would really like to revoke the right to vote for people who are brown or have breasts. I mean they are WORKING ON THIS.
Last year at this time, I wrote this missive which the local papers could not run as an OpEd due to its length. I share it here in the hopes that Ruby's masterful spider will help it find an audience.
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