Damon Seils's blog

Election 2010 Maps: The Orange General

The maps in this post show results from selected contests in the 2010 general election.

Election 2009 Maps: Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board

The maps in this post show the precinct-level results of the Chapel Hill-Carrboro School Board election.

Election 2009 Maps: Chapel Hill

The maps in this post show the precinct-level results of the Chapel Hill mayoral and council elections.

Election 2009 Maps: Carrboro

The maps in this post show the precinct-level results of the Carrboro mayoral and alderman elections.

Selected 2008 Primary Maps: President, NC Senate 23, and the Transfer Tax

With limited time and so many races to choose from, we selected the 3 ballot items that most interested us: the Democratic presidential primary, the Democratic NC Senate district 23 primary, and the land transfer tax referendum. The numbers are based on unofficial results from the Orange County Board of Elections and do not include early, absentee, and provisional votes. A Google Maps view of Orange County voter precincts is available here.



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