February 2018

OP Candidate Coming Out Party on February 28, 2018

OrangePolitics will hold our semi-annual Candidate Coming Out Party & Happy Hour on Wednesday, February 28th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Mystery Brewing in their brewery location (437 Dimmock's Mill Road in Hillsborough).

*Note: We will be at the brewery, not the pub.

Election Information

Three of our county commissioners are up for re-election – one each in District 1, District 2 and At-Large.

Commissioner Mia Burroughs announced that she will not seek reelection next year. Burroughs was elected to the Board of Commissioners in 2014 after serving on the Chapel Hill-Carrboro school board. She replaced longtime board member Alice Gordon. Former Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board member Jamezetta Bedford has announced that she will file to run for this seat. Bedford also ran for a District 1 seat in 2016.

Commissioner Barry Jacobs (At-Large) and Commissioner Earl McKee (District 2) have said that they will seek re-election.

Elections 2018

Primary elections were held on May 8, 2018, for several county and legislative offices, including the Orange County Board of Commissioners, the Orange County Board of Educationsheriffregister of deeds, and NC Senate and House.


Nonprofit Leadership in Orange County: So White

At a meeting last week with many local nonprofit leaders, I learned something not too surprising – the nonprofits in Orange County are largely run by white folks with accompanying huge disparities in assets and revenue when compared to those run by people of color. Across the Triangle, such nonprofits primarily serve communities of color. And according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation, this is the case across the US. I’m not going to tell you why you should care that, like other sectors, the wealth of our nonprofits is concentrated in the hands of white people.  It has been written about here (racial wealth gap) and here (nonprofit diversity).  But I do want to share our local stats so we have an accurate picture of what we’re facing.


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