August 2013

League of Women Voters forum for CHCCS School Board candidates


Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm


Carrboro Town Hall

Carol Woods forum for CHCCS School Board candidates


Tuesday, October 15, 2013 - 3:00pm

Friends of Downtown Chapel Hill Candidate Forum

Chapel HIll Mayor and Council candidates will be asked questions prepared by Board members of the Friends of Downtown at this event. Candidates who have not run for office before will go first, followed by the incumbent candidates, and then Mayor Mark Kleinschmidt (running unopposed). Before answering their first question, each candidate will have two minutes to introduce themselves to the audience. After each question, the moderator will ask someone from the audience for one follow-up question on the topic. If time permits, he will ask a second audience question of each candidate.

Coffee will be available at 9:30am prior to the start of the forum.


Thursday, August 29, 2013 - 10:00am


Franklin Hotel, Second Floor, 311 West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill

Open House Public Information meeting on COCA joint land use planning

Via Orange County:



ORANGE COUNTY, NC (August 13, 2013)-The Orange County Planning and Inspections Department in partnership with the Town of Hillsborough Planning Department is inviting residents to attend an Open House Public Information meeting on joint land use planning activities.

Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough will host the Open House on Tuesday, August 27, from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. at 101 E. Orange Street (access from East Corbin Street). The purpose of the Open House is to help inform the public of the joint land use planning process and next steps.

The Town of Hillsborough adopted a Future Land Use Plan in March 2013 for its planning jurisdiction and some additional areas of Orange County's planning jurisdiction.  These additional areas of County jurisdiction, which are being jointly planned, are located within the Town's Urban Service Boundary for its public water and/or sewer services and generally located around the Town's fringe. 

Since this will be an Open House meeting, residents can arrive at their leisure to receive information, discuss the project with staff and learn about the upcoming County public hearing scheduled for September 9, 2013.

For more information, please call Tom Altieri, comprehensive panning supervisor at 919.245.2579or visit


Tuesday, August 27, 2013 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm


Hillsborough Town Barn, 101 E. Orange St., Hillsborough

Public hearing on Central Orange Coordinated Area (COCA) Land Use Planning

Via Orange County web site:

Orange County/Town of Hillsborough Joint Planning - Central Orange Coordinated Area (COCA) Land Use Planning

The Town of Hillsborough adopted a Future Land Use Plan in March 2013 for its planning jurisdiction and some additional areas of Orange County's planning jurisdiction.  These additional areas of County jurisdiction, which are being jointly planned, are located within the Town's Urban Service Boundary for its public water and/or sewer services and generally located around the Town's fringe.  Orange County staff, Board of County Commissioners (BOCC), and the public provided input throughout the Town's planning process.

In general and consistent with the Hillsborough-Orange Interlocal Land Management Agreement (December 2009), following Town adoption, the BOCC is to consider endorsing the Plan or arranging for negotiation and agreement on any changes.


Next Steps

Orange County/Town of Hillsborough

Joint Land Use Planning Open House

Tuesday, August 27, 2013 from 5:00-7:00 PM

Hillsborough Town Barn, 101 E. Orange St. (access is from East Corbin St.)


Orange County Public Hearing

Monday, September 9, 2013 at 7:00 PM

Department of Social Services, Hillsborough Commons

113 Mayo St., Hillsborough


Links to Additional Materials

Town of Hillsborough Future Land Use Plan Revision/Update-


History of Town of Hillsborough/Orange County Joint Planning-


Hillsborough and Orange County Strategic Growth Plan-

Hillsborough-Orange Interlocal Land Management Agreement- 


Monday, September 9, 2013 - 7:00pm


Department of Social Services, Hillsborough Commons, 113 Mayo St., Hillsborough

Open Office Hours with Michelle Johnson and Lee Storrow

Join Carrboro Board of Alderman Member Michelle Johnson and Chapel Hill Town Council Member Lee Storrow for open office hours to discuss your concerns in Orange County. We'll provide refreshments, just bring yourself. Whether you have a specific concern, or just want to hear more about what local government is doing, we want to hear from you!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013 - 5:30pm


Weaver Street Market in Carrboro

OCDW Panel Discussion on Education Policy

From the OCDP newsletter:

What does the new legislation mean for public school education in North Carolina?

Come join the Orange County Democratic Women for a panel discussion with Ann McColl, in-house counsel for NCAE and Leslie Winner, former chief counsel to Molly Broad and Erskine Bowles.  Learn what effects the currently passed legislation will have on K-12 public education in our state.  A 17-year veteran educator of the Chapel Hill/Carrboro public  schools will give a brief personal commentary, and our own Florry Glasser will moderate the program.

The program will be at 7 PM on August 22nd at Extraordinary Ventures on Elliott Road in Chapel Hill. 


Thursday, August 22, 2013 - 7:00pm


Extraordinary Ventures, Elliott Road, Chapel Hill

My Letter to the Orange County Board of Elections

After reading about changes made in Watauga County, I was prompted to write a letter to the Orange County Board of Elections after several constituents voiced concerns about decision making in other counties. Below is that letter.

Dear Members of the Orange County Board of Elections,

I am writing in response to concerns voiced to me by constituents in the Orange County community after actions taken by the Watauga County Board of Elections and the Pasquotank County Board of Elections.

This week the Watauga County Board of Elections took action, which consolidated three precincts into one large precinct numbering nearly 10,000 voters and where the polling place has only 35 parking spaces. They then took action to reduce early voting to four days and eliminated early voting at the Appalachian State University campus. All of these actions were made in secret and not shared with the Democratic member of the Board, yet the Watauga County GOP chairwoman was fully aware of the coming actions. To add insult to injury, the Board did not allow verbal comment from the public, instead opting for written comment only.

State Senator Ellie Kinnaird Resigns

From an email just received:

Dear Friends,

This is my last newsletter to you. After a great deal of thought, I have decided to resign my position in the North Carolina Senate. It has been a great privilege and I have been honored to be chosen to represent the people of this district. Thank you for the opportunity to serve in this way, thank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas and for your support over the years.

community meetings

hi all, just to let  everyone know I ve  been attending the west central focus group, obey creek  community  group and the upcoming esephus  church group during  these past months and plan to attend more during this election season and many more if possible if I can. thank you. gary kahn



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