December 2011
Two weeks ago, I had the honor and good fortune of being elected the new chair of the Orange County Democratic Party. This is an extremely humbling experience, as I became the youngest county chair in the North Carolina Democratic Party. However, it is my pleasure to serve my party in Orange County with the tasks ahead. With that comes the responsibility of communicating with our community and promoting greater inclusion.
What I want to do is simple: broadcast our message out to the voters of Orange County and get people talking about the issues affecting them. We have the fortune of living in one of the most Democratic and progressive counties in North Carolina. With that comes the responsibility of being one of the most active parties in the state. Additionally, this means taking a pro-active role in our community, especially when it comes to issue advocacy, as we are the very definition of grassroots.
If you care about education in the Chapel Hill/Carrboro City Schools I urge you to take action TODAY. We are not opposed to parents and students having more options for their education but the financial impact that this charter would make on the district would be devastating. The following text is directly from an email I sent this morning to Dr. Forcella and all school board members.
Dr. Forcella,
After what seems to have been a heated month of politics on OP, I thought I'd start December with a few questions about crosswalks, speeding, sidewalks, road design, and other issues that impact the walkability of Chapel Hill and Carrboro.
First, I've noticed that when I'm stopped at a crossswalk (particularly on Rosemary Street), cars rarely stop to let me cross, even if they see me patiently waiting. My understanding is that they are required to stop for pedestrians. What recourse do I have when they don't? How does one go about getting additional crosswalks put in?
Thursday, December 1, 2011 - 7:00pm
Chapel Hill Town Hall, 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Chapel Hill
"Underground Reverie" proporting to be involved in the Yates building seizure have published a slideshow telling their side of the story. Its interesting that they seem to equate property rights and repression, and view this as just one battle in a larger war. The question "If we can occupy a building, what else might we seize" implies they're wanting to come back and try this again. Personally, I hope they don't "start taking over" as vast majority of Chapel Hill/Carborro residents really don't want to have their democracy overthrown by anarchists, thank you very much for not asking.
And then there's the signs that say "Off the pigs", "pigs gonna pay", and "all cops are bastards".
Tonight I went to the Abbey Court HOA meeting about the Human Rights Center. Here's the short version of what happened…
I suppose you've all heard about how the Abbey Court Homeowners' Association (HOA) is giving the Abbey Court Human Rights Center (HRC) the boot. The Human Rights Center is a great community center providing many critical human services within Abbey Court, including mentoring, after school care, tutoring etc. In short, the HOA is arguing that the HRC is in violation of the HOA rules by using their unit for non-residential purposes and kicking them out, under threat of a $300/day fine.
The HOA meeting was tonight at 6pm in Raleigh and was closed to the public, however this afternoon it occurred to me that the non-profit organization I work for owns one of the units at Abbey Court, so I went to the meeting to represent our organization's miniscule rights—and to record the meeting.
There will be a march from Carrboro Town Commons (where the Really Really Free Market will be going on) to Abbey Court to protest the management's attempt to evict and fine the Human Rights Center which has done great work to support and organize residents.
Saturday, December 3, 2011 - 3:30am
Carrboro Town Commons, West Main Street at Laurel Street
Chapel Hill is getting a new weekly newspaper. Dan Shannon, the publisher of
Chapel Hill Magazine will
debut Chapel Hill Magazine’s The Weekly in February 2012. The paper will start with a six-month beta period, during which 2,000 randomly selected Chapel Hill households will receive it for free. Those who do not receive a copy will be able to purchase one at newsstands.
9:00 am Registration -- visitors are free, membership is $10, pre-order lunch
9:30 am Welcome and Introductions
9:40 am Workshop/Teach-in by Pittsboro Mayor Randy Voller:
“How to Elect Progressive Candidates from the Grassroots Up”
11:40 am short break
11:45 am Move to Amend: Challenging the Myth of Corporate Personhood
presentation and vote on resolution facilitated by Sally Goerner, MTA Triangle
12:15 pm Lunch and informal Discussion
1:00 pm The future of voter-owned elections, transparency and accountability after Citizens United
- Jake Gellar-Goad from Democracy NC
1:30 pm Mobilizing for Campaigns without candidates:
Defeating the marriage discrimination amendment - Sam Parker from Protect NC Families
Protecting voter rights and ballot access for all -- Jake Gellar-Goad from Democracy NC
Creating an independent redistricting commission -- Jesse Goslen, Wake Progressive Democrats
2:30 pm break
2:40 pm The future of progressive politics in a rapidly changing world - roundtable discussion
4:30 pm adjourn
Saturday, December 3, 2011 - 9:30am to 4:30pm
Orange County Campus of Durham Tech, Room 201; 525 College Park Road, Hillsborough
I'm appalled with our 'D' senator in 2 distinctly dismal ways this afternoon.
First, Hagan votes to legalize the military to snatch and indefinitely detain anyone accused of being a scary 'terrorist.' Specifically, no lawyer will be allowed for anyone so accused. Also, this authorizes military actions within the US (um, posse comitatus? anyone?) This includes US citizens like me and you, dear reader. (Note this bill will extend to the military this unconstitutional priviledge currently only enjoyed by the president.)
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