September 2010

Sierra Club screening "Fresh"

Screening of Fresh

Wednesday, October 13, 7-9 p.m.
Chapel Hill Public Library (100 Library Dr.; directions)

We've learned a lot about what's wrong with the American food system--fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides made out of fossil fuels, polluted water, poisoned produce, and don't even mention processed foods loaded with fat and sugar. Fresh is an up-beat look at how we can grow and distribute food that's better for human heath and the health of the planet. NYU nutrition professor Marion Nestle says "It's a must see for everyone who eats." Please join us for a screening and discussion. (Official movie website.)


Wednesday, October 13, 2010 - 3:00pm


Chapel Hill Public LIbrary, 100 Library Drive

Carolina North Public Information Meeting

Carolina North Public Information Meeting

A public information meeting will be held at 5:15 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 29, to receive comments and feedback on the UNC-Chapel Hill 2010 Carolina North Annual Report to the Town of Chapel Hill. The meeting will be held in the Council Chamber of Town Hall, 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 

Carolina North is envisioned as a mixed-use academic campus on university-owned property along Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, two miles north of the main campus. University and Town representatives signed a development agreement a year ago that covers the first 20 years of development on the site. 

The report to be presented on Sept. 29 describes the activity on the Carolina North site in the past fiscal year (July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010). Most of those activities relate to the recreational uses that residents make of the Carolina North Forest. Read the report online: 

The report is a requirement of the Carolina North Development Agreement, containing updates on various topics, including housing, parking, land use, greenways and construction activities. The Campus-to-Campus Connector Report, a one-time requirement of the Development Agreement, is included in Attachment VI of the report. While there has been a delay in construction at Carolina North, the report is part of the structure established by the Development Agreement for providing continued town-gown communication. 

Town Manager Roger Stancil will review the report and the public input before reporting to the Town Council on his review of the development agreement and its requirements. 

Send comments about the annual report or other issues related to Carolina North at any time to or write Town of Chapel Hill Planning Department, Carolina North, 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Chapel Hill, NC 27514. 

The 2010 Annual Report and other information can be found on the Town's website: 

Carolina North Main Page schedule of various activities and main news items, including the Annual Report 
Public Participation detailed description of various communication and participation efforts in the past year 
Campus to Campus background materials, public comments and community emails about the project 
Minor Modifications description of the process and modification materials 
FAQs - answers many of the frequent questions about the Carolina North project and the agreement 


Wednesday, September 29, 2010 - 1:15pm


Chapel Hill Town Hall, 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Chapel Hill

Orange County Arts Commission Open House

The Orange County Arts Commission will welcome friends and visitors to its new location at the Chapel Hill/Orange County Visitors Bureau on Wednesday, September 8, 2010, from 3-6 pm.
Please stop by and say hello as the Arts Commission begins its work at its new home. Same board,same mission statement and same program director, Martha Shannon, but new digs that we’d love for you to see.
Food, cold refreshments, music and art.
Parking in the back of the Bentley Building
RSVP to Martha Shannon, Orange County Arts Commission
501 West Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27516


Wednesday, September 8, 2010 - 11:00am to 2:00pm


501 West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill

Triangle Regional Tranist Program Public Workshops - round 2 on Sept. 16

The regional transit workshops are continuing to happen and it's more important than ever that folks who care about the future of regional transit attend these workshops.  You can stop by at any point during the event and talk to someone.  No need to stat for the whole event. 

This time, the workshop is being held in Carrboro at the Century Center! Emphasis will be placed on the technical analysis of the different corridor options displayed at the first meeting (back when they met at Chapel Hill town hall last month). How does Carrboro fit in? How will Carrboro benefit?  Now is a really crucial time for folks who want to see West Chapel Hill and Carrboro included in a light rail plant, so stop by between 4 and 7PM on Sept. 16, 2010. 

Move to Cary?

J. Al Baldwin had an interesting letter in the CH News yesterday --


However, I think he has a couple of points very wrong (and the N&O doesn't allow comments on CHNews stories, so you get my thoughts here. Sorry).

 1)  We're not going back to the "village" that CH was 30 years ago.  While I remember that as a lovely place, the growth of the University and the quality of the schools has caused growth.  The question now is how we change to handle that growth, not how do we stay the same as we were 30 years ago (actually, 33 for me).


Every fall, 15,000 visitors flock to downtown Chapel Hill to experience Festifall, Orange County’s premier outdoor arts festival. The annual event always provides crowds an excellent opportunity to see and buy arts and crafts from a select group of regional artisans, and to witness some of the finest dance groups and bands around. But this year, event-goers will be able to engage with the arts with all their senses.

New attractions will give folks a chance to create individual and community works of art, sample fare from many of downtown’s nationally acclaimed restaurants, and experience the Kid’s Canvas, a family-friendly zone sure to please children of all ages.


Sunday, October 3, 2010 - 9:00am to 2:00pm


West Franklin Street, Chapel Hill

Discuss Chapel Hill's emerging framework for downtown

Come to a public meeting to learn about the next step in the Town's radical/visionary new plans for downtown. I highly recommend checking out the presentation made by the consultants back in June. Link below, and blog coverage here.

The future of downtown Chapel Hill will be discussed during the presentation of the draft Downtown Development Framework and Action Plan to Town advisory boards and commissions on beginning at 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 16, in the Council Chamber of Town Hall, 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 

The presentation will be made by Dan Douglas of Kling Stubbins, and questions will follow the presentation. 

The Town of Chapel Hill created a master plan for downtown, the Downtown Small Area Plan, in 2000. The Town Council initiated a new Downtown Master Plan as one of its goals for 2009. In November 2009, the Town, in conjunction with the Downtown Partnership, issued an RFP, and Kling-Stubbins of Raleigh was selected to complete the Downtown Development Action Plan and Framework. 

A planning team held two meetings in April 2010 for interested parties to share their opinions on development in downtown Chapel Hill. A first draft of findings was presented to the public during a planning charette on June 10. The June 10 presentation is available online: 

For more information, contact Dwight Bassett, Economic Development Officer for the Town of Chapel Hill, at 919-969-5010 or


Thursday, September 16, 2010 - 1:00pm


Chapel Hill Town Hall, 405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

Carrboro Music Festival

Our day long, free festival features music at various indoor and outdoor venues. The outdoor sites present music until dark, while some of the indoor venues go well into the evening.

13th annual Carrboro Music Festival
will take place on 
Sunday, September 26th, 2010.

25 venues will be used to present all the music


Sunday, September 26, 2010 - 9:00am


All over Carrboro

Advocates for Carrboro Greenways presentation to Carrboro Greenways Commission

The Advocates for Carrboro Greenways will be making a 10 minute presentation to the Carrboro Greenways Commission on the development of Greenways that will provide safe off-road transportation; traffic/CO2 mitigation in Carrboro; access to natural areas for all citizens; and preservation/restoration of degraded areas.



Monday, September 20, 2010 - 2:00pm


Carrboro Town Hall, Alderman Meeting room



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