December 2007

Martin Luther King's birthday


Monday, January 14, 2008 - 7:01pm

Real homelessness requires real solutions

What do y'all think about the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership's new "Real Change from Spare Change" program? Folks have been talking for years about something like this to discourage "panhandling." The idea is to encourage folks to give money at approved kiosks instead of directly to individuals, and to use the money to help homeless people to get connected with the services they need.

Ever since living in Miami in the 80's when I got asked for money on every block, I personally decided to never give money to individuals in the street. It seems unfair to only help some (who randomly asked me) and not all who equally need help. I wish no-one ever had to ask for money, it's an unpleasant experience for all involved. I've also heard anecdotal stories about people being harassed for money downtown, which is clearly a problem, although I don't know how widespread it really is.

Who is behind this?


name, "user/" . $u->uid); } return theme('item_list', $items); ?>

User list

2. $rid = 3; ?>


t('Username'), 'field' => '', 'sort' => 'asc'), array('data' => t('Status'), 'field' => 'u.status'), array('data' => t('Member for'), 'field' => 'u.created') ); $sql = "SELECT u.uid,, u.status, u.created FROM {users} u INNER JOIN {users_roles} ur ON u.uid=ur.uid WHERE ur.rid = $rid"; $sql .= tablesort_sql($header); $result = pager_query($sql, 50);

Election info

Each year OrangePolitics collects non-partisan election information for local races. You can find it all here in a hierarchical outline or "book."

Local blogs & media

'; while ($feed = db_fetch_object($result)) { $output .= '
  • ' . l($feed->title, $feed->link) . '
  • '; } $output .= ''; $output .= '


    '; return $output; ?>


    Saturday's Progressive Democrats Conference in Chapel Hill featured Marisol Jimendez-McGee of El Pueblo. She summarized the macroeconomic causes of immigration to NC and some of the local reactions to it. She ended with a plea for help. So what do we do?

    Chapel Hill

    Mayor (choose 1):

    · Kevin Foy
    · Kevin Wolff

    Town Council (choose up to 4):

    · Bill Thorpe
    · Ed Harrison
    · Jason Baker
    · Laurin Easthom
    · Mark Kleinschmidt
    · Robin Cutson
    · Will Raymond



    Mayor (choose 1):

    · Alex Zaffron
    · Mark Chilton

    Board of Aldermen (choose up to 3):

    · Catherine Devine
    · David Marshall
    · Jacquelyn Gist
    · John Herrera
    · Katrina Ryan
    · Randee Haven-O'Donnell


    Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education

    Chapel Hill-Carrboro Board of Education (choose up to 3):

    · Jean Hamilton
    · Jeff Danner
    · Lisa Stuckey
    · Pam Hemminger



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