November 2007

PDNC Annual Meeting in Chapel Hill


Let us count the tipping points that we face next year: political, economic, social, climate - just for starters. The questions are: Which way will they tip and who will do the tipping?

There is nothing mechanical about these critical tipping points. They are mostly contests of vision, combined with sheer energy and will, that determine who will make policy decisions, and what those decisions will be.

As the Progressives Democrats of NC (PDNC), we have tried to be the link between the issues and advocacy groups that matter to real people, and the political process that can enact real reforms.

To be effective, we need to be charged up, diverse and united, and have a smart plan.

The Orange County Chapter is the host of the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Progressive Democrats of NC and invites all to come to the concert on Friday evening and the meeting and Democratic Lt. Governor Candidates forum on Saturday. Membership is NOT required; however, non-members cannot vote.


Forum on creating progressive media

Readers might be interested in a forum on creating progressive media that I am organizing, for December 6th. OrangePolitics is welcome to participate and it is set up as an informal discussion. The discussion will probably focus more on the mechanics of journalism than on the actual message, but we could also talk about framing.

The non-partisan Triangle Socialist Forum is hosting a discussion on the challenges in creating progressive media, with Independent Voices TV ( ) and Triangle Free Press (, Thursday, December 6th, at 7pm in the conference room at the Chapel Hill Public Library.

Bill of Rights Day & other good stuff

Our late friend Joe Herzenberg organized the Bill of Rights readings at the Franklin Street Post Office. Let's keep his work going with a reading on 12/15 and other events going on this month.

The following announcement comes from local activist Peggy Misch.

Local events in December:
UNC Constitutional Convention, 9AM -5PM, December 1. Attend session at 3:30 PM only, if you wish.

Reading of Orange County Human Relations Commission's proclamation for HUMAN RIGHTS WEEK, HUMAN RIGHTS DAY, and BILL OF RIGHTS DAY, 7:30pm, December 3, New Court House, 106 East Margaret Lane, Hillsborough (at County Commissioners' meeting). Call me (942-2535) to carpool.

Reading of Mayor Mark Chilton's Bill of Rights Day proclamation, 7:30PM, December 4, Carrboro Town Hall, 301 West Main Street.

Vigil to Honor Human Rights Week December 10-16: Noon, December 12, Peace and Justice Plaza (corner of Henderson and East Franklin Streets), Chapel Hill. Sponsored by Women's International League for Peace and Freedom-Triangle Branch. Information: 942-2919.



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