August 2005

Glimmers of a more positive chamber

Chapel Hill Herald, Saturday August 27, 2005

Last Wednesday, the Chamber of Commerce hosted an event to allow members to react to Chapel Hill's recent increase in the fees for privilege licenses for business. In the face of a crowd that was varyingly confused, frustrated or angry, chamber director Aaron Nelson rose to the occasion and showed some real leadership.

Typical of the comments in the early part of the discussion was the notion that "the town is not friendly to small business" or that "to suggest that this wasn't noticed [by Town Council members] is a bit naïve." But when one business owner asked, "Why were no business leaders part of this decision?" Nelson spoke up.

Nelson acknowledged that he was part of the budget committee that met 20 times over several months and worked with the town's budget consultant. He told attendees that he was an author of the committee's final report which he described as "very sensitive to the business community," adding that "he has never felt better about business interests being represented."

New Town Websites

There was some talk a few months ago about the status of the Chapel Hill Town website. The new site is up. What do you think?

I don't know when it happened, but it appears that Carrboro's got a new one too.

DTH encourages Student Participation

I was very pleased this morning to read an editorial encouraging student participation and voting in municipal elections. But I was astonished at the misunderstanding of the keg registration issue. Did the editors actually read the proposal we sent to our legislative delegation? Did they listen to the discussion? Did they read the DTH or any newspaper coverage of the issue?

Got your favorite 7 numbers memorized yet?

The Lottery passed the Senate 24 to 24, Chapel Hill citizen and Lt. Gov. Bev Perdue cast the deciding vote.

Carrboro Cinema showing Monster Road

Opening a movie theater is one of my oldest dreams. With this first showing we're starting the journey to create a nonprofit movie theater in Carrboro. Please come out to see a great film and support the concept. Tomorrow (August 31) we're showing the film Monster Road made by locals Brett Ingram and Jim Haverkamp.

What: Monster Road, a documentary about Bruce Bickford
When: Wednesday, August 31 7:30pm (THIS WED.)
Where: Carrboro Century Center, 100 N. Greensboro St., Carrboro, NC
Why: We're starting a NONPROFIT movie theater called the Carrboro Cinema.
How Much: FREE

Here are some directions to the Carrboro Century Center in case you didn't know. You can also view a trailer of the film Monster Road here.



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