Chapel Hill Population

The PPP survey asked folks what the ideal population would be in 25 years. According to the town and US census data it is projected to be about 83,000. Zero percent picked that range (81 to 90,000) and only 5% picked a higer population level. "Chapel Hill’s current population is about 60,000. 30,000 to 40,000 5% ............................................. 41,000 to 50,000 12% ............................................. 51,000 to 60,000 22% ............................................. 61,000 to 70,000 28% ............................................. 71,000 to 80,000 13% ............................................. 81,000 to 90,000 0% ............................................. 91,000 to 100,000 5% ........................................... More than 100,000 0% .......................................... Not sure 15% " I guess we (if I last 35 more years) will be living in less than ideal conditions.


I agree Loren that was the most interesting finding in the poll was that most people polled don't want to see fast paced development.  See for more info in the back pages of the poll.


.........moreover the people I talk to want a fully fleshed, well considered plan for pluralistic development that includes commercial and infrastructure.


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