Here's some of what we're reading this week:
- The McMansion mirage: Think that McMansions are back? Don't believe everything you read
- Confessions from the cul-de-sac: Suburban neighborhoods such as this may not be walkable or urban, but facing the need for affordability and reliable choices for schools, what's an urbanist to do?
- "High-rises and dumps," "no flowers, no trees," and other reasons urbanists don't participate: Why don't urbanists participate in community discourse, where NIMBYism is overwhelmingly the dominant perspective?
- What's the matter with the planning process?: Modern planning processes across the U.S. have led to a preservation vs. affordability battle – what can we do about it?
- The failure of preservation: "Preserving neighborhood character" has clear consequences for communitites
- The fall of planning expertise: Planners are experts, paid to weigh the merits and effects of proposed development – so why do communities continue to ignore planning expertise?
- U.S. education reform and the maintenance of white supremacy through structural violence
- The real reason American public transportation is such a disaster: A look at hoe politics cause so much trouble for public transportation