Six Apply for Vacant Chapel Hill Town Council Seat

Wednesday marked the deadline for applying to be appointed to the Chapel Hill Town Council seat vacated by Matt Czajkowski when he resigned earlier this year.

A total of six folks applied. You can read their applications online, and find a short description of each candidate's background in a news release issued by the town. In a special meeting of the Council on Monday at 6 p.m., each candidate will have the opportunity to make brief remarks on why they're most qualified, and the following week, on Monday, May 4, the Council will decide whether or not to make an appointment.

Though much of the discussion around the process thus far has led some to believe that the Council must fill the vacant seat, it's not required to do so. It could simply opt to leave it empty until the elections this November when the fourth-highest vote getter would then win the open seat.

What do you think the council should do? Fill the seat with someone who won't seek re-election in the fall? Or with someone who will? Leave the seat open? Share your opinion in the comments.



Been there, Done that, Leave it open..Gary Kahn

I just posted more detail under my own blog but I think that the council should appoint someone to the vacancy. It would be useful for local government to work best for all seats to be filled. It is appropriate to give special consideration to candidates who have been involved in prior elections. They do have experience talking with the voters of our community. 

 Of the candidates for the vacancy at least 3 were involved in the 2013 election and have some electoral experience. The county web site gives the reports for that election.

I posted in Orange politics in 2013 an analysis using the preelection report which ended 3 weeks before the election. The 2013 final report (Jan. 2014) reports the funds received for the rest of the campaign.  Michael Parker was treasurer for George Cianciolo’s winning race. Michael Parker’s treasurer’s report shows receipts of $16,328.23 and expenses of 14,906.48. Sixteen contributions were received after the pre election report.  Six donations of $300 from Caves Valley Partner in MD.  Two each for $300 from East West Partners. Three from UNC or Duke Employees (300,150,250). One donation $300 each from employee of Chamber of Commerce, Retired and Homemaker. The personal loan of George of $2000 or $3000 was paid back.  Paul Neebe received $1625.74 and spent $900.74. He received 3 later donations (two retired and one entrepreneur for a total of $275 and still has a $300 of a $1000 loan outstanding.)  Amy Ryan received $4747 and spent $4439.56. She had one later contribution of an employee of GGA Architects for $50. In the last election Amy came in 5th, I came in 6th and Paul came in 7th. My own blog post gives the actual number of votes we all received.

I just posted more detail under my own blog but I think that the council should appoint someone to the vacancy. It would be useful for local government to work best for all seats to be filled. It is appropriate to give special consideration to candidates who have been involved in prior elections. They do have experience talking with the voters of our community. 

 Of the candidates for the vacancy at least 3 were involved in the 2013 election and have some electoral experience. The county web site gives the reports for that election.

I posted in Orange politics in 2013 an analysis using the preelection report which ended 3 weeks before the election. The 2013 final report (Jan. 2014) reports the funds received for the rest of the campaign.  Michael Parker was treasurer for George Cianciolo’s winning race. Michael Parker’s treasurer’s report shows receipts of $16,328.23 and expenses of 14,906.48. Sixteen contributions were received after the pre election report.  Six donations of $300 from Caves Valley Partner in MD.  Two each for $300 from East West Partners. Three from UNC or Duke Employees (300,150,250). One donation $300 each from employee of Chamber of Commerce, Retired and Homemaker. The personal loan of George of $2000 or $3000 was paid back.  Paul Neebe received $1625.74 and spent $900.74. He received 3 later donations (two retired and one entrepreneur for a total of $275 and still has a $300 of a $1000 loan outstanding.)  Amy Ryan received $4747 and spent $4439.56. She had one later contribution of an employee of GGA Architects for $50. In the last election Amy came in 5th, I came in 6th and Paul came in 7th. My own blog post gives the actual number of votes we all received.


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