Clearing the Air

I wanted to take the opportunity to address some of the questions raised by members of the Orange Politics community about my 35-day finance report, in particular my use of aggregated individual contributions to list my donors under $28.I didn’t expect that this decision would cause such questioning, but after further reflection I’ve decided to let folks know where my donations are from. At the bottom of this post is a link to a Google document that lists the names, occupations, and addresses of the 79 below-$28 contributions. Some of our donors, because of their position or relationship to other candidates, donated with the understanding that their information was not required to be disclosed. I’ll respect the wishes of my donors and will only be releasing zip codes for a select few names. I hope this puts concerns about my finance report to rest.I would add that as a young candidate I haven’t had the same time to build relationships with Chapel Hill donors that other candidates have, and I have fortunately received support from people outside of our town as well. Many have accurately pointed out that a portion of my contributions come from the greater Asheville area, where I was born and raised before moving to Chapel Hill for college. The Asheville donors are my friends and family, the people I worked with to craft the Downtown Master Plan and promote public health initiatives in the Asheville-Buncombe area. Among my Asheville donors are state legislators like Patsy Keever and Susan Fisher, who taught me the importance of public service and graciously offered to help me pursue my own campaign.Despite my contributions from donors outside of Chapel Hill, I’m proud to say that I have more donors from registered voters in Chapel Hill than anyone else in the race. I’m honored to have received such a wide range of support, everyone from new students to community members who’ve called Chapel Hill home for decades.When I decided to run for Town Council, I don’t think I had any idea it would turn out like this. Meeting residents across our town and discussing the challenges our community faces has been an incredible experience for me. I’m so excited for the last 30 days of this campaign, and if I haven’t done so yet, I look forward to earning your vote! Feel free to contact me with any more questions or concerns at (919) 914-0311.Storrow for Council Donors under $28  



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