The ReCYCLEry is Looking for a New Home

Hey all,

The ReCYCLEry is running out of time to find a new home.  We have been in discussions with the town of Chapel Hill and Carrboro, partner organizations, local businesses and private citizens, but don't have anything solid yet.  We are scheduled to move out of our temporary location at the end of the year and we have some options, but currently the options neither fulfill the need to be easily accessible in the community, nor have any potential permanence.

We've got a newly expanded and active board and are finally on a tight path to official non-profit status, but without a good home then neither of those have a great effect.  

Thanks for all the support you have given in the past, and thanks in advance for any suggestions or even seemingly far-fetched ideas you may contribute.  Please spread the word.  If you can help us, please contact us via or 919-533-9196.  We are posting updates at the following locations:


twitter: (Recyclery_nc)



Thanks so much,


Kirk Schmidt

ReCYCLEry Board Member and Webadmin


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