UNC Fiscal Impact Analysis for Carolina North, June 26, 7 p.m.

For OP readers: I just sent the following email inviting the community to the presentation of the preliminary results of the fiscal impact analysis. Hope you can attend:

Dear Friends and Neighbors,
I know many of you are interested in the University's development of Carolina North. As our planning has progressed, the community has expressed its interest in the fiscal impact of the Carolina North campus. At a joint meeting of the Orange County Commissioners, the Chapel Hill Town Council and the Carrboro Aldermen this Thursday evening, June 26 at 7:00 p.m., the consulting team doing the work, TischlerBise and The Chesapeake Group, will present their analysis and findings.
The meeting will be at the Orange County Southern Human Services Building on Homestead Road.
The community is welcome and encouraged to attend. If you are a neighborhood or community group contact, please share this with your group or others who may be interested. We have had great attendance from the community at Carolina North meetings and hope you can join us Thursday night.





It may not be clear from my email that this meeting is for the consultants to make a preliminary report and to double check the underlying premises and assumptions of their work. I expect there will be another meeting when their report is final.

Linda Convissor

As I'm unable to attend that night, I'd like to know if there will be an alternate community presentation for this.  Will it be broadcast or rebroadcast on the government access channel, or (even better) be on the CN website to watch?  Will the support materials be made available there as well?


My initial post may have given the impression that this is the final report; in fact, it is a presentation of preliminary results. There is no advance draft for distribution and the elected officials will not be expected to take positions on anything that is presented. They were invited to hear the presentation so they could get an initial sense of the scope and direction of the work, ask clarifying questions and help the consultants to refine assumptions on which their evaluation is based. The draft has not been received or reviewed by the committee of managers and university representatives guiding the process. This is more of an update session with the elected officials. It's being held now before the summer recesses begin.

Linda Convissor

Linda, I understand that this is an ongoing process that isn't yet complete. But speaking particularly from the viewpoint of being asked as a member of the planning board to review the Innovation Center outside of the context of a master plan for Carolina North, having access to the most up-to-date information about this and other broad-reaching reports would be helpful. Having even preliminary results would make it much easier for members of the community who are trying to digest an enormous project to contextualize some of the information they are hearing. I'm glad that you're making such an effort to distribute the information about this presentation to the broader community, but it would still be useful if the contents of the presentation could be made available for those unable to attend.

Thanks for posting this, Linda. For future reference, you can also post content here as an "event," and it will automatically get added to the OP calendar. It has all the same features of a blog entry, plus a specific date and time.

I won't be back in town until tomorrow, but I will try to get to this meeting. I served on the fiscal equity subcommitee of the late Horace Williams Citizens Committee.


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