New Elementary School for Northside

I just read the N&O report that the Chapel Hill Carrboro School Board voted last night to site elementary school number eleven in Northside neighborhood between Caldwell and McMasters streets, and I couldn't be happier.

The board thinks that siting a school here will help to revitalize the neighborhood and increase the number of families residing here, which may help to increase the home ownership rates. I am inclined to agree. Equally important, it will make walking to school a real option for a number of children, and hopefully create some pressure to find the money to complete the pedestrian improvements recommended in the Northside Mobility Plan.




This is a wonderful idea. So happy to see this development. It'll do a lot for Northside.

As a school district employee and friend to many people in Northside, I fully support this decision.

But I am also concerned about the way that this school siting may put further gentrification and resident displacement pressure on the neighborhood.  It will certainly make a rapidly changing neighborhood even more appealing to new residents.

I have recommended to one of our upper level administrators that we work with the town and some local non-profits to consider this issue.  It's not something the school district usually has to worry about. But to be a good neighbor, we need to do this in a way that makes the school an anchor for current residents - not another reason for them to move out. 

This is such a great idea.  I hope it works out.  One correction (although I am sure Jason already knows this) an elementary school is not coming to Northisde, it is coming BACK to Northside.  Northside School was a vital part of the community until it was closed down in connection with school de-segragation.

It is great. It will fill a schools gap in the center of town, and maybe give incentives to increase the connections among all the separated neighborhoods like Pleasant Dr, Village West and Estes Park Apts. Next maybe a middle school out in the eastern sector for Ephesus, Rashkis and Glenwood.

The displacement issue - how could the Orange Housing and Land Trust play a role in that?

redistricting plan? Also, is this going to be a smaller school to serve just those kids within a "walkable" distance? The link to the N&O story doesn't work anymore. I'm going to be very interested in seeing how this turns out.

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