Carrboro Film Festival scoots into town

I just wanted to let you all know that November 18th is the big day for this year's Carrboro Film Festival. Like last year, it will be held in the Century Center, 2-7pm. Only 5 bucks and kids ten and under are free. Come out to see 27 locally made wonderful short films. New this year, more awards, 12 Kay Kyser awards will be given at the conclusion of the festival.

If you would like to get a little sneak, go to and watch the trailer for the fest. Featuring "Scooter Man" Mike Harris and sculptor Mike Roig. Roig also makes the awards for the fest, BTW.

Hope to see you all at the fest!

Nic Beery, Festival Chair



Kudos in advance to Nic Beery for producing Carrboro's second annual Film Festival !

how quaint. a Film Festival.

You can call it quaint, but the event was very well produced and well attended. In my own opinion, some of the jury's selections were too long -- kiss of death in the documentary category. Several others impressed me to the point of envy with great acting, shooting, and writing. I noticed that the judges weren't partial to submissions that were shot on film. That's commendable. Meanwhile, Nic did a stellar job as usual, packaging the entire show seamlessly onto three DVD's. It ended precisely at 7:00 on time.

The audience had a great time. Mingle, mingle, applause, applause.

Any other reviewers out there? This will be old news by the end of the day.

Catherine, why even respond to such a vapid and obvious troll? Rise above...

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make the Festival this year as I was very busy with last-minute travel preparation, but I'm really glad that we have stuff like this and I hope it keeps on rocking.


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