2005 Koufax Awards

An OP reader (and a great blogger himself) writes:

Orange Politics has been nominated for the Koufax Award in the category of Best Blog Covering State or Local Issues. Multiple nominations are needed to move on to semi-finals. It is perfectly fine to self-nominate - that is actually encouraged. Also, rally the readers to go and nominate a few more times, then vote for OP once it gets into semi-finals and hopefully finals.

To vote, go to this post this post and type the following - as well any other blogs you want to nominate - in the comments:

Best Blog Covering State or Local Issues: OrangePolitics.org


Something is wrong with the 'this post' link-- there's no comment form at the end of comments; however, clicking on 'great blogger' gets you to the comment form.

Dangit. They keep closing the nomination threads and opening new ones when they get too long. Not a good system. Anyway, the nominations should now go here: http://wampum.wabanaki.net/vault/2005/12/002191.html

Thanks Mary.


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